Tag Archives: 1clip song

1 Clip Song Finished

This is my first Audio Clip in Ableton Live. The Assingment was to use only the Acoustic Guitar 2 Clip and a Drum clip of your choice. I enjoyed this Assingment because it helped me explore the things you can do in Ableton Live.

1Clip Song Finished

This is my first song on ableton live. Here it shows some effects i put on the song. Effects make a clip sound completly diffrent. This song was made from one clip and one drum set.


its a bit fuzzy because some still play when theyre supposed to stop and other dont play but im working on it.

1Clip Song Finished

A screenshot of my 1clip song in Arrangement View.

A screenshot of my 1clip song in Arrangement View.

This is my first song that I made in Ableton Live using only 1 clip, 1 drum track, and some effects. This screenshot is in arrangement view and shows the clip and drum track I used and how long my song was.

1 Clip Song Finished

Hi, this is the 1-minute-song that I did on the music software called Live. I had to do this song only by using the clip “Acoustic Guitar” and I could pick one drum clip. I modified the clip “Acoustic Guitar” by changing the volume, pitch, reversing the clip, adding effects… and many more. It was my first project on Live for the Digital Arts class. Even though it was hard, we still enjoyed doing it.

Screenshot during my work above.

1 clip song finished

This is my first clip or song I make in Live Ableton. I only used 1 clip to do this song. I used an acoustic guitar and a drum. I used some effects, mostly on the guitars. The effect I most used was EQ eight and I put in on the guitar. I really enjoyed doing this clip, Live is a very good music program.

1 Clip Song Finished

It is my first project in Ableton Live. It was made with one guitar loop “Acoustic Guitar Melody” and one drums loop “Bass Drum FX”. I was allowed to use 4 effects, but I used only 2. One is “Guitar Hero” and another one “Electricity”.
I hope you enjoy it!

1 Clip Song Finished

cool screenshot of working progress

cool screenshot of working progress


This was my first song on the program Ableton Live. This was pretty hard because I had to put alot of my clips into their own places so the song would come out just at the perfect beat and speed.

1 Clip Song Finished

This is an image of the traks I used in arrangement view.

This is an image of the traks I used in arrangement view.

This is my first music track in the Ableton Live program. Its only made of one clip and one drum set. In this song I used 3 effects on the 3 differebt clips. Since it was the same clip I used the effects so it didnt sound the same as the other clips.

1 Clip Song Finished

This is a song I made in Live. This is an assignment called 1 clip song. I had to use 1 guitar clip called “acoustic guitar” and I was able to pick my own drum clip. Here it is…hope you enjoy!

Arrangment View

Arrangment View

1 Clip Song Finished

                                    In this 1 clip project I worked in 3 different track with the same clip. Other than the 3 track I used a Drum Kit called Impulse and in this drum kit I can enter the same clip in different slots of the kit. I included different kinds of effects like Auto Filter, Beat Repeat, and Ping Pong Delay. With all of these effects and features I turned this clip into something better.